HomeGHC Archives FAQ

GHC Archives FAQ

The FAQ page is intended to provide answers to commonly asked questions. If you have questions that are not listed below, please contact us at archives@highlands.edu


What is the GHC Archives?

The GHC Archives houses physical and digital material related to the founding of the college and important events throughout the school’s history.


What does the GHC Archives collect?

The GHC Archives will focus on collecting materials that pertain to the history of the college and have research value. For a full list of accepted materials see the Acquisition of Materials section of our Archives Policy.


Can I access the Archives? 

Currently, the archives is closed in preparation for relocating this summer. If you have a need for archival documents, contact the archivist to see if the materials you need are accessible and to set up an appointment to view the materials. 


Where is the Archives located?

The archives is currently being relocated and between locations.


How do I contact the archivist?

The best way to contact the archivist is to email archives@highlands.edu.


Can I donate materials to the Archives?

We are currently preparing to relocate our collection and are unable to accept donations currently. If you have questions about a potential donation, please email archives@highlands.edu


Does the Archives have a website?

Yes! The website hosts our digitized materials. It is located at https://ghcarchives.omeka.net/